Mini-THON Mondays are for the kids


To get each class more points, students are dressing to match the themes for Mini-THON Mondays.  Bentli Burke, the student in charge of organizing Mini-THON Mondays, is excited for the event. Mini-THON is an event that helps the students become more aware of the needs of kids with cancer, and it is a platform for raising money for this cause.

Mini-THON Mondays is just one of the many events that promote the upcoming Mini-THON.  Mini-THON Mondays have different themes for which students dress in order to gain color war points for their grade. The remaining Mini-THON Mondays are on Feb. 25, and Mar- 4. Mini-THON Mondays have a committee of members that volunteer to count the points for each theme. Bentli Burke said, “Mini-THON Mondays have had good participation so far, and we would love to have more people participate.”  Remember, “It’s For the Kids.”


  • Feb. 25 Birks/Crocs with Socks
  • Mar. 4 Class Colors