Key Club begins service

Hannah Hess and Jaime Yaukey

This year at Big Spring, Key Club has been taken on by a new adviser, Sean Stevenson, who helps lead students in services that benefit the school and community.

Key Club is connected with a club called Kiwanis, which is another charitable group that does community service. According to Kiwanis, they are a group that is all about serving children, good fellowship, having fun, and helping communities in need. They are located in 80 nations across the globe, and since every community’s needs are different, each Kiwanis club is different.

“Key Club is essentially a way for students to be connected with their community and find ways to serve their community,” said Stevenson, with their first project of the year being the Halloween parade in Newville, helping in any way they were needed. The parade took place on Monday night.

Other events Key Club plans to take part in include helping clean parks, working at soup kitchens, and helping to serve the school. “I want students to come in with ideas.” said Stevenson as he encouraged students to join the club.

Anyone is welcome to participate in Key Club, from freshmen all the way up to seniors. There are no standards that have to be met in order to join, except for the desire to want to help out the community, so all students are encouraged to join.

“It looks good for college applications,” said Stevenson, “being able to say that you have (X) amount hours of community service.”

Some people who are very involved with Key Club include Becca Fickel and Malia Greene, both sophomores at Big Spring High School.

Fickel said, “I participate in Key Club to help give back to the community and our school. I like being able to use my time to help out and improve our community.”

Key Club plans to take their work up a notch by getting connected with Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit community service organization. They plan on helping to build houses and helping to feed homeless people, according to Stevenson.

“That’s a big thing we’re going to be shooting for this year: [helping] people less fortunate than us who are homeless or don’t have food, and helping to serve them.” said Stevenson.

Fickel also said that she hopes for Key Club to make more of a positive environment in our area, and that she plans to continue this legacy in the future. I want to do journalism and missions work in my future. As a missionary their career is essentially community service in all parts of the world. I think doing community service while you’re young really gives you a mature and open mindset towards helping others and giving back.” said Fickel.

“I think that the desire to serve the community is something that is kind of missing and for those that haven’t done something that helps others. There’s a great feeling that comes with it, and I think that we should all try to experience that.” said Stevenson.

Stevenson has one more piece of advice to share with the students of Big Spring. He encouraged students to join by stating, “Key Club is like chicken noodle soup, good for the soul.”