Students help save lives

Hailey Gilligan

Library table tops are covered with toppers filled with information. This years drive is held on November 29, 2017.

Hailey Gilligan, Reporter

According to the Red Cross, more than 4 million Americans need a blood transfusion a year. This year Big Spring High School is doing its part to help by hosting its annual blood drive.

For the past ten years, the Sophomore Class Officers have been putting together this event to help others, but this student led drive has been helping people of Central Pennsylvania for longer than Christa Daugherty, sophomore class adviser and new librarian, can remember. “I’ve been leading blood drives for at least the last ten years, but it started with Student Council, then was organized by the Leadership Development class, and then migrated to the sophomore officers.” said Daugherty.

Since the beginning of the school year the sophomore class officers have been working hard to make this blood drive as successful as possible. “Our first meeting we started talking about the blood drive.” said Sophomore Class President, Ian Ward. Throughout the school there are posters and table toppers encouraging all eligible students to come and sign up to donate. “We had 39 successful donors last year,” said Daugherty.

“I really don’t know how many to expect.” said Daugherty. Students are able to sign up until Monday November 20, 2017, the last day before Thanksgiving vacation.  “I expect a good amount of people to give blood.” said Ward. This year’s drive is being held on Wednesday, Nov 29.

Every donor will also receive free t-shirt with their donation as well as the satisfaction of knowing they are helping save a life.