Students should use phones in class


Student uses a phone to check the time during class. Phones offer many benefits to students.

Ava Weibley, Reporter

If used appropriately, cellphones and smartphones provide students a peace of mind, wider search, calmness, and instant answers throughout the school day. Within all of these positive results of phone usage during school some can be used during the wrong time or in the wrong place. Although students grew up learning that actions have consequences and should know when not to use their device.

Schools are often not safe anymore. Even with locked doors, closed windows, guard systems, even people in the school itself is harmful. For instance, bullying often plays a huge role on every student in the school. Many teens don’t like to talk to the school counselor and would rather discuss the issue with someone they live with and see most of the time. Parents constantly worry about if their kid deals with that, so allowing students to use phones in school lets their parents know if they are safe or how they’re feeling. Students often feel threatened by their peers throughout the day and simply contacted a guardian can make the student feel safe.

In addition to contacting their parents, its always important to parents or guardians if something dangerous is happening during the school day. For example a fire, intruder, or weather issue, parents deserve to know where their child is and why they are there. Emergencies can happen randomly and parents should be able to know if there is one.

Schools also ban useful videos for students to watch or articles for students to read when they could be critical to the lessons they are learning in class that day. Phones provide a wider search and unblocked content that is related to class discussions and can broaden their education on the provided topic. Websites that are blocked on the school computers can give students the exact information they are missing when researching a topic.

In addition, phones can give students instant answers throughout the school day. When using school wifi on the computers, it often takes awhile for Chrome to load. With a bundle of people in one small space on the same wifi, students will not get the answer they need in the time you need it. Most phones kids own nowadays have data which is not connected to the school. Cellular data provides easy search and fast answers for students and teachers.

Students can often be found stressed and annoyed throughout their daily life due to assignments, peers, teachers, classes and even forgetting something at home. Some teens can find peace through coloring apps, games and media when stressed. Allowing students to access their phones during appropriate times when they are feeling stressed out can make their day much better. For being in school for over seven hours a day, taking a break to relax and play a game on their phone is sometimes exactly what a teen needs.

Many people believe that phones are a distraction to students. While that can be true, teachers should enforce a time during class where it is okay to use their phones. Students should realize when the right time is and they should pay attention to what is being taught in class.

In conclusion, schools should allow students to use their phones throughout the school day. Phones can make a positive impact in students education and widen their knowledge within seconds rather than minutes. They also keep students in contact with their parents and help find good topics to research.